Search Committee
We used a very intentional process to select our Ministerial Search Committee. With guidance from our interim minister, Rev. Joel Miller, we adapted a process for selecting the committee from one put forth by Rev. David Keyes.
Joel worked with Church Council to customize a process for our congregation.
The process was printed in the newsletter for all members to see. The Church Council approved the process for nominating a slate of candidates for the election of Search Committee members and published the process in the church newsletter. Church Council, the Nominating Committee, the Worship Committee, and other congregational leaders divided up the list of church members and contributors. Each member and contributor was contacted by phone. During the phone call, the member or contributor was asked several questions, such as “What are good qualities needed for someone to serve on a ministerial search committee?” and “Who can represent and serve the whole congregation (which would include looking out for the needs of children) and not just a segment or faction of the church?” and was asked to suggest up to 3 persons to serve on the Ministerial Search Committee.
A respected and trusted leader was appointed by the Church Council to receive the names. This data manager made a spreadsheet, noting how many times each person was suggested. (Neither the whole Council nor anyone else saw this data). The data manager reported to the Council and Nominating Committee the names of the 14 to 18 people who were suggested by the most people, without ranking or noting the number of times their names were suggested. These people became the potential nominees for the Search Committee.
A subcommittee from the Council and Nominating Committee was appointed to call the potential nominees to invite them to be on a 7-member slate that will be presented to the congregation as the proposed Search Committee. Potential nominees were informed that a slate of seven nominees for the Search Committee would be presented to the congregation. If the slate were elected, each member of the MSC would have to give up any other leadership position they held in the church. As the potential nominees accepted or declined the invitation, the subcommittee reported on an ongoing basis to the combined Council/Nominating Committee. The subcommittee was responsible for the need to adapt and reconsider who next to call so that the final slate of seven nominees presented to the congregation represented the congregation's diversity and interests.
Church Council accepted the slate of nominees to the Search Committee, reporting to the congregation its decision in mid-March along with the announcement of a special meeting of the Congregation in April. A congregational vote was made at the Special Meeting of the Congregation, and the slate was elected.
Follow this link to the Church website to learn more about the members of our ministerial search committee (opens in a new window).